The kolappalur Town panchayat is located in Erode District, which is Urban Local Body coming under the purview of the Directorate of Town Panchayats, Chennai, Government of Tamilnadu. This Town Panchayat is First Grade Local Body as per the classification and the total population of this Local body is 9803. There are 15 Wards and 21 number of habitations. The total number of slums in this Town Panchayats are 9 both notified and un-notified. The newly elected councils have took over recently after the local body election held in October 2006. The financial position of this local body is not adequate to meet the growing demands of this town and its population, including floating population. Kolappalur is a Town Panchayat is coming under the administrative territory of Erode District . The Town Panchayat was consited for 1969 This Town Panchayat is First Grade Town Panchayat . The Town Panchayat is Located at a distance of 8 km from Gobichettipalayam Municipality on the South side and 8 km from Taluk Office Gobichettipalayam and Block Development Office Gobichettipalayam Near Town Panchayat Office.
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Town Information
City Name: | Kolappalur Town Panchayat |
Area in SqKm | 11.400 |
District | Erode |
Taluk | Gobichettipalayam |
Name of Assembly Constituency | Gobichettipalayam |
Name of Parliment Constituency | Tiruppur |
No of Wards | 15 |
No of Streets | 52 |
2011 Population | |
Present Population |