Padaveedu, Town Panchayat, is located in the Salem to Bhavani Main Road in Namakkal District . It is located at a distance of 40 Kilo meters Salem Town and at a distance of 20 Kilometers from Erode which is the nearest Railway Station. The town is well connected by Bus-routes with adjoining urban centers namely Sankari, Bhavani, Tiruchengode, Erode and Salem.
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Town Information
City Name: | Padaveedu Town Panchayat |
Area in SqKm | 14.450 |
District | Namakkal |
Taluk | Komarapalayam |
Name of Assembly Constituency | 97 Komarapalayam |
Name of Parliment Constituency | 17 Erode |
No of Wards | 15 |
No of Streets | 40 |
2011 Population | |
Present Population |