Town Profile
- Thevur Town Panchayat Located 55.00 K.M distance from Salem District.
- Nearest Railway Station Name : Sankagiri R.S , This Railway Station Located 27.00 k.m Distance from thevur
- Nearest Airport Located in : Salem
- Bus Route Details : : Komarpalayam to Idappadi
- - - Ward No : 0 - Street Name - -
Festival Name | How many Days Celebrated | Which Month Celebrated | No of Peoples Participated | Notified/Non Notified |
- | 0 | JAN | 0 | NON-NOTIFIED |
Nearest City Name | Direction | Distance from Town Panchayat |
Sankagiri | East | 27.00 K.m |
Mettur | West | 10.00 K.m |
Idappadi | North | 12.00 K.m |
Komarapalayam | South | 12.00 K.m |
Thevur Town Panchayat was constituted on 1966 as first Grade Town Panchayat functioning as such till date. It consisting 15 wards. The extent of the Town Panchayat is 7.25 Sq.K.M. The population of the Town Panchayat is 8548 as per 2011 census, consisting 4415 men and 4133 women. The Urban local Body elections were held on 19.10.2011 for the posts of Town Panchayat Chairman and 15 Town Panchayat Councillors
The Town Panchayat is located at a distance of 12 km from Edappadi Municipality on the North side. This town is located at along Edappadi - Komarapalayam Main Road. The revenue village is Thevur . Major district roads connect Thevur Town Panchayat with surrounding region and other urban centre in the district and state. The major district roads connecting other important urban centres are use follows. Edappadi and Komarapalayam. It is located at a distance of 55 kilometres west of Salem.
The major commercial area and the type of commercial activities existing in the town. Generally town 'Junction' road areas are occupied by commercial activities. Therefore the town requires a comprehensive approach in evolving suitable plan for organizing and guiding the commercial developments within town especially around town areas, which have got high heritage value. This necessitates for directing the future growth of commercial activities way from the central areas to outskirts in order to control the congestion and safeguard the heritage areas in the town.
The main functions of this town are the primary and tertiary activities. This town can be considered as Bi-functional town. The work force constitutes about 6% of the population. 92% of the work force is engaged in agriculture, 2% in small Industries (Small scale and cottage).There are no major industries within the jurisdiction of the local body. The town serves as an important source of supply for agricultural inputs and implements other services to the adjoining areas.