Town Profile

  1. Velankanni Town Panchayat Located 12.00 K.M distance from Nagapattinam District.
  2. Nearest Railway Station Name : Railway at sebasthiyar Nagar in velankanni Town Panchayat , This Railway Station Located 2.00 k.m Distance from velankanni
  3. Nearest Airport Located in : 0
  4. Bus Route Details : : Velankanni To Nagapattinam
  1. Mariyamman Kovil - Ward No : 9 - Street Name - Arch Main Road
  2. Sivan Kovil - Ward No : 11 - Street Name - Sivan Kovil Street
  3. Chinna Palli Vasal - Ward No : 5 - Street Name - Muslim Street
  4. Velankanni Punitha Arockiya matha Kovil - Ward No : 4 - Street Name - Beach main Road
Festival Name How many Days Celebrated Which Month Celebrated No of Peoples ParticipatedNotified/Non Notified
Velankanni Punitha Arockiya Matha Festival 10AUG100000NOTIFIED
Nearest City Name Direction Distance from Town Panchayat
0East0.00 K.m
0West0.00 K.m
0North0.00 K.m
0South0.00 K.m







          Velankanni is a Special Grade Town Panchayat.  It is situated on the Sea Shore of the Bay of Bengal at Keelvelur Taluk and Nagapattinam District.  This Town Developing with the name of Shrine Baslica of our Lady of Health Velankanni.  As it is a very important Pilgrim Centre and also a favours  tourism place, thousands of tourists daily and so many thousand’s of tourists and pilgrims in holidays and festivel will come to Velankanni.  Because the floating population of this Town is higher than regular population for 3 or 4 times in normal days also.

          This Town Panchayat is located near Nagapattinam District Head Quarters with in 12 K.M. Velankanni Spans an area of 5.5 Sq. K.M. and Administrative area is divided into 15 wards.



                             Velankanni is a Special Grade Town Panchayat.  It is situated on the Sea Shore of the Bay of Bengal at Keelvelur Taluk and Nagapattinam District. This Town Developing with the name of Shrine Basilica of our Lady of Health Velankanni.  As it is a very


important Pilgrim Centre and also a favours  tourism place, thousands of tourists daily and so many thousand’s of tourists and pilgrims in holidays and festivel will come to Velankanni.  Because the floating population of this Town is higher than regular population for 3 or 4 times in normal days also.



          North                   -        South Poigainallur Village Panchayat


East           -        Bay of Bengal


West          -        Kiramathu Medu Village Panchayat


South         -        Prathabaramapuram Village Panchayat






These Climate throughout the year is moderate. The variation between maximum and minimum temperature is not much. The town gets rain mostly during North east Monsoon. This town has fairly healthy climate. The maximum temperature normally occurs in the month of May while the minimum temperature in winter occurs in December. The annual rainfall for the town is given below.

The maximum rainfall occurs during the months of October to December.




Soil Condition



                         The town is not having any commercially exploitable minerals. More than  area are covered by Sandy and Clay . No have major types of trees not found in the region. Beddy cultivation agriculture and Pran culture and local fisheries only.  


Land use Pattern :


                   It is observed that commercial areas are along the Velankanni  Bazzar Street only. Business orientel and high income residential area are Ward Nos. 1,2,3,4,10,11, and 15.  Ward Nos 7,8,13 and 14 are medium income residential areas Low income residential areas are in ward are 5,6,9, and 12.



Residential Activities :


          The residential use covers 50 % of the total town area. Ward No. 9,12  than slum areas and huts in this town.  Therefore, most of the commerical activities are concentrated arround in Main Road to Beach Line   street only. The residential developments are classified based on filed visits.








1.  Town Total Population : 11077  ( 2011  Census )


Male           -        5308        

                                                Female      -        5769



2. Town Extent                                :   5.5 Sq.Km


3). Revenue Village                         :  Velankanni


4). No. of Wards                              :  15 ( Fifteen )

5). Local Body Elected Persons   :   Chairman                  -        1

                                                          :    Ward Members       -        15









Reserved (Women)           



Reserved ( SC )



Total             - 15                      










8). Slum Areas   :         1). Pumpset Street  (Ward No. 09)


                                      2). Sivan Adi-dravidar Street ( Ward No. 12)




1). Roads Details :-


          1.  BT Roads                  &am