Town Profile

  1. Vettavalam Town Panchayat Located 24.00 K.M distance from Thiruvannamalai District.
  2. Nearest Railway Station Name : Thiruvannamalai , This Railway Station Located 24.00 k.m Distance from vettavalam
  3. Nearest Airport Located in : Chennai
  4. Bus Route Details : : Vettavalam to Cennai
  1. Agastheeswarar - Ward No : 14 - Street Name - Kovil street
  2. Manormani - Ward No : 1 - Street Name - Aranmanai street
  3. Mathakovil - Ward No : 10 - Street Name - Mathakovil street
  4. Allakovil - Ward No : 13 - Street Name - Allakovil street
Festival Name How many Days Celebrated Which Month Celebrated No of Peoples ParticipatedNotified/Non Notified
Laksha deepam1APR10000NON-NOTIFIED
Nearest City Name Direction Distance from Town Panchayat
VillupuramEast36.00 K.m
Thiruvannamalai West26.00 K.m
KilpennathurNorth24.00 K.m
ThirukovilurSouth16.00 K.m